In my shop I sell my art using Werk Aan de Muur or Oh My Prints which is basically the same website just different languages but these site only sell and ship in Europe. For international customers I have uploaded my works to Redbubble and now I am trying Fine Art America with just a couple of works for now. Look below for a discount code.
One day I would like to sell and ship my own art but because I am doing my artwork next to a full time job in a hospital I just don’t have the time and resources to do it all myself, so using these services makes selling my art much easier for me. Of course having my work sold using these service’s takes a huge chunk of the profits, so I am still playing with ideas to start up selling on my own website. Maybe signed and numbered limited editions if there is a market for it. So please let me know if that is something you are looking for.
Fine Art America has a nice website and is easy to use for me to upload my work. Because there is a lot of art already on there it is very difficult to get noticed, so maybe this trial won’t result in any sales, but we will see.
They also support selling your art on different products ranging from notepads, to mugs or clothing. Since I am not interested in my work printed on products that I turned those all off for my works. Let me know if you want my work on other products.
You can create collections to keep your works organised for buyers. For now I made two collections for my digital artwork and my photography art.
Creating a discount is a very nice feature one I wish Werk Aan de Muur would also introduce.
So please take a look at my shop on Fine Art America and if you like something you see on there and want to make a purchase you can use the code “VEZRZP” to get a 20% discount until April 17th 2021 for the first 100 buyers. lol I would be able to stop my day job if I would reach a 100 buyers a month 😉